
More from my time back in Bosnia. As you probably know, I am a vegetarian (lacto ovo to be precise) and at the dinner that we had in the middle of the course I ran in Bosnia I was served, wait for it, MUSHY PEAS! I was so stunned I learned that the Bosnian for mushy peas is graashak: not the correct spelling but that's the phonetics of it all! I even found a tin of graashak in a shop later on, too; and we would tend to call them marrowfat peas. Still, eh? How about this for a poser? I noticed that a number of the cars in the streets of Neum have cardboard draped over two or more of their wheels. I asked what the cardboard was there for and Paddy replied "You can use it to carry the wheels home in it when you steal them"! Ask a silly question! Anyway, here's the picture. I did a lot of PowerPoint Presentations during the course and since I don't have a floppy drive on my laptop I needed to be able to transfer files by CD ... my translator/interpreter had an old laptop that had a floppy drive but no CD drive: that is until I happened to open the "wrong" compartment of its carrying case and found a CD drive for that very computer. Turns out that they had been looking for that drive for 9 months and had even turned the office upside down looking for it at one stage. The reason they didn't find it in the carrying case? The chap who was using the thing assured everyone that it wasn't there! Here are a couple of other views of Neum, by the way, as I think it's a lovely looking spot! Enough! DW

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