
Grace is a student and needed some guidance on stock management (that's inventory management for our American cousins) and credit management. Grace wanted advice on the application of stock and credit systems in a particular organisation ... couldn't give the fine detail but there is a lot on the web to help. Here's what I said. Dear Grace, Stock management: Tesco is a brilliant case study for stock management: they are at the forefront of all developments in supply chain management, including stock control. Look here: I then searched for Tesco at this site and this page shows what they have. The Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply is a good place to look, of course http://www.cips.org/ There's a link on the left that will take you to the "CIPS Purchasing & Supply Management (P&SM) Model" which is a good looking pdf file Take a look at this as it gives headings for you to think about if nothing else. Look here, too, as you can follow through a stock management system that they are selling ... some screenshots and descriptions that could be helpful. Cumbria County Council has a stock management newsletter that you can download at and it might be worth a look. Maybe you would like to look at web based systems. A nice bright and bold site comprising a presentation format. Credit management: You can start here at Credit Management; but will have to register to make much progress: registration's free and painless! This is a commercial site but a lot of content is free. I went to the Institute of Credit Management but couldn't see much of interest, perhaps you can. The Credit Protection Association could have a few things of interest. Another commercial looking site but some useful looking links, I think. Well, Grace, I hope that's been worthwhile and you have a lot of work to do now! Let me know how the seminar went ... don't forget to talk to me! DW

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