
Two New Cases

Here are two new Excel based cases I have just prepared that I know some of you will appreciate.

UK Petrol Prices

I downloaded a file of all retail petrol and diesel prices for the UK from 2003 to 2014. The task is to prepare an interactive table so that the user just enters a date in one cell and the table then shows the

  • retail pump price per litre

  • duty per litre

  • VAT percentage

  • calculation of the cost of the petrol net of duty and VAT

This case involves the use of a variety of techniques including


  • Data Validation


  • Paste Special Multiply

Here's an example of my output:



This video summarises the case:

[wpvideo nw5NNOOh]

Sleep Requirements.

In today's Borneo Bulletin newspaper there is an article on the sleep requirements of people of all ages. They give the requirements such as, a new born baby needs from 14 to 17 hours a day ... someone over 65 years of age needs from 7 to 8 hours sleep a day.

The task is to turn a photo of the data into a table and a chart that communicates as effectively as possible: I prepared the following:




Please feel free to write to me at any time to ask for the spreadsheets that accompany these cases. At the moment they are live cases and I won't release them generally until the course has finished in a week's time..

Duncan Williamson


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