Some years ago i was in a railway station or airport and, surprise, surprise, i had my phone in my pocket. I was minding my own business when a man. a complete stranger, near me said to me, Your phone's ringing!
He was right! I was shocked but i hadn't heard a thing.
The same happened again yesterday. Phone in my pocket. Walking along ... phoooooone!
It happened again ... phoooooone!
It happened five or six times and even though my senses were heightened after the first two calls, i never heard the thing ring. It even vibrated as it rang too but that made no difference!
UPDATE 7th April 2013
I was walking around, minding my own business when i walked past a rucksack and inside it ... a phone was ringing. I heard it. Ta daa!
UPDATE 11th April
I was walking along, minding my own business, when i heard a familiar sound. The phone in my pocket was ringing and i heard it! Suave!!
the sign of....
I have been partially deaf in my right ear for a long time but i think i can't hear in certain registers anyway. Even when tey say the phone's ringing i still don't gear it!
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