
MacBook Woes

My MacBook Pro has been giving me grief over the last few days.

The mouse buttons on the trackpad refused to work and even an external mouse refused to work.

I rebooted the thing but still no mouse available. I was able to find a solution on a discussion forum: press Command, Options, Shift and then the Power button all at the same time: this shuts down the computer and when you start it again the trackpad and external mouse are restored. I lost and regained the mouse a few more times over the next two days!

I then tried to upload some photos from my DSLR camera to be faced with the warning that i had not previously removed the drive properly and that my iPhoto library was no longer available.

This went backwards and forwards for a while and then the thing stabilised. At the moment it is stable but now i believe my MacBook is in GATES! or is that JOBS! mode.

So far i have not tried to open iPhoto again to try to repair it. I daren't, yet!


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