
Happy New Year

Welcome to all of my visitors, both to this blog and my web sites.

I hope 2012 turns out to be a good year for you, in every way.

I normally don't single out anyone or anything for special new year wishes but this year I will make an exception.

After spending almost two years in Afghanistan I came to meet and work with a lot of people who give me hope for their future. Then again, I met and worked with some people whose vision and objectives for their country are difficult to fathom.

We worked in the education sector and made a difference to the lives of thousands of young people and their families.

Driving across Kabul on a daily basis showed me that ordinary Afghans would do what they had to do to survive: from opening and managing small businesses to selling family heirlooms and to begging.

The big men in their massive and expensive houses are far removed from the lives of the people of Afghanistan. Political cowards who take decisions on the basis of the last person to see them ruin the work of the government.

People like William Hague and Hillary Clinton and their kind are the wrong people to help to oversee the changes needed to be made to help Afghanistan. I say this because these people are top down politicians and Afghanistan needs bottom up thinkers and managers.

Give the good people of Afghanistan the chance to live honourable and safe lives.


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