
Cheating Examiners: my letter to the Education Select Committee

Last night I wrote to the House of Commons Education Select Committee: they are to hold a meeting on the subject of the cheating examiner problem that has just been highlighted by the Daily Telegraph.

This is a lengthy letter but it is a good summary for them.

At the time of writing I have had neither response nor acknowledgement from them.

I wrote the letter relatively quickly so please forgive me for any errors that have crept into it.


By email: see distribution list below

11th December 2011

Dear Sirs           Allegations relating to GCSE and A Level Examiners

It both causes me sadness and gives me great pleasure to be able to write this letter to your committee. The sadness comes from the seriousness of the allegations being made against the various GCSE and A Level examiners that are the subject of your special meeting to be held on Tuesday 13th December 2011. The pleasure comes from being able to provide you with significant information that will help you to appreciate that a lot of people have known about the allegations for many years but that they have chosen to ignore the allegations.

I have been researching and campaigning on the matter of examiner irregularities for over five years and in that time I have found a lot of proof of inappropriate behaviour. Moreover, I have made Ministers, an Under Secretary of State, MPs, Civil Servants, journalists, teachers, Examination Boards officials, examiners and others aware of my findings.

I first came across allegations of potentially inappropriate examiner behaviour in 2006 or early in 2007 and with no significant difficulty could find that many GCSE and A Level examiners were holding seminars behind closed doors in return for payment. These seminars were held for teachers on the one hand and for pupils on the other. Many teachers and others are clearly aware that these examiners were running these seminars and many teachers did not like it: they felt that unless they or their school or their pupils were prepared to pay the examiners for the insights that were given, they were disadvantaged in public examination.

The majority of teachers and pupils did not attend the examiner seminars but many of them did.

The rules of the boards of examiners clearly state that anyone who is working as an examiner for them is forbidden from announcing any association between their work as an examiner and any other work they do. I found on many web sites that this rule was openly and easily flouted: examiners boldly stated that they were an examiner in subject X for Board Y … I gathered a relatively large batch of examples of these statements and web pages and asked the examination boards to comment on my findings.

In spite of sending live URLs from genuine web sites and thus proving that many examiners were selling their services for financial reward and without respecting the demand of anonymity, the AQA Board not only said that their systems were robust and that my information must be wrong but they threatened me with legal action unless I withdrew some of the claims I was making. What happened was that they had acted in their fury and haste and their threat of action against me dissipated when they realised their mistake.

I know the DfEE as it then was kept records of my correspondence with them, via my MPs: initially Dr Evan Harris and subsequently Linda Riordan because towards the end of 2009 they wrote to tell me that I had approached them on this matter several times and each time they were telling me that there was no problem, no wrongdoing.

The surprise here is that I spent a lot of time preparing my case and whilst I never met Dr Harris I did meet Ms Riordan and I spoke at length on the phone to a civil servant at the Qualifications and Curriculum Authority.

In my personal blog, I have documented my research and the responses of the various people whom I have involved in it. The first entry on my blog in this matter is dated 23rd April 2007; and in that posting I announce that

I was called by a journalist last week who wanted to discuss the way that Britain's GCSE examiners may be behaving. He was specifically worried that the examiners who are marking our children's examination scripts are providing private tuition and behind closed doors advice to teachers and students alike.

The journalist in question was working at that time at the Times Educational Supplement (TES) and following our discussion he had published an article entitled Examiners should stop cheating. That article was followed by another article on this topic the week following the first one, both articles appearing in the TES.

In March 2009 I posted more discussion on this topic: http://duncanwil.blogspot.com/2009/03/level-exams-and-gcse-exams-for-sale.html You will see from this post that the two MPs I mentioned above had been fobbed off by various ministers and civil servants so that I felt driven to write the following, quoting a letter from me to Ms Riordan MP:

On behalf of honest and hard working teachers, parents and pupils I feel unable to support any government, any MP and any examinations system that essentially is supporting the following approach:

       Elitism in education:
       Exclusivity in education;
       Encouraging examiners to work ex officio for personal private gain;
       Encouraging students and candidates for examination to expect that they may meet examiners for their chosen subjects for personal private directed guidance in order to gain an advantage in an examination;
       Immoral behaviour;
       Unprofessional behaviour.

It is obvious that there is nothing more for me to say to you on this matter since it is clear that the government is fostering lower and lower standards. Moreover Secretaries of State, Under Secretaries of State, Members of Parliament and those in a position to gain financially from this situation are all quite happy to ensure that the privileged few who can afford to pay will receive a better standard of preparation for an examination than those who can't I cannot see the socialist approach in this system.

Late in 2009 or early in 2010 I found Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children, Schools and Families on twitter and I started following him. I then tweeted him and mentioned my campaign and asked him was he doing about it. Eventually he responded and suggested that I wrote to him officially. I then wrote to Mr Balls and that led to my blog posting of 4th February 2010: http://duncanwil.blogspot.com/2010/02/open-letter-to-ed-balls.html In that post I wrote the following:

As is my wont, I am crusading against corruption in the GCSE and A Level Examinations system. I have been carrying out this crusade for several years now. Evan Harris MP failed in this campaign. Linda MP failed in this campaign. Now Ed Balls who is Secretary of State responsible for this area has fobbed me off by passing my latest missive to a junior member of his staff.

I continued:

Here is the latest ill thought out response from Whitehall. Firstly the reply to my latest attempt at rooting out this corruption and secondly my initial response.

Thank you for your e-mail of 9 January alleging corruption in the GCSE and A Level examination systems.  I have been asked to reply.

I note that you have raised similar concerns with the Department on a number of occasions over recent years.  The awarding bodies and Ofqual have thorough systems in place to manage any conflicts of interests inherent in the exams system, and we have previously shared details of those with you.  Ofqual have also previously looked at the concerns you have raised.  This being so, I fear there is nothing I can add to the previous correspondence with you from Ministers and officials.

Yours sincerely,

QCDA, Ofqual and Exams Delivery

In the clearest terms possible, I had been told that there is nothing wrong: I sent proof upon proof, I sent web site addresses, I sent brochures and leaflets and they told me everything was fine! In my despondency at such shabby service I continued this post as follows:

Dear H,

This will not go away just because you think this matter has been resolved several times. It has not. No minister, no MP, no civil servant has ever accepted that examiners from UK Examinations Boards ARE ex officio making money by holding private seminars with candidates for THEIR examinations in contravention of the rules of those boards and in contravention of ethics and professional behaviour.

You must have seen the articles The Times Educational Supplement over the last three years or so, you must have read Warwick Mansell’s recent book on this and related examination issues, you really must be aware that I am not a crank and that I really do have documentary evidence that no one in the government and civil service, including you now, is in the least bit interested in upholding GCSE and A Level standards.

You are wrong in your assertion that you have previously looked at my concerns. Read my letters maybe but investigated no. I have been fobbed off before with the most inane arguments. I have sent you PROOF that examiners are in breach of their contracts with the Examination Boards and PROOF that these Boards are turning a blind eye to them. All of this is in direct contravention of codes of conduct, codes of practices, statutes and goodness knows what else. Here you are fobbing me off again. It really won’t do. To be fair to some examiners, once it has been pointed out to them that what they are doing is wrong, they stop. Yes, truly: one examiner wrote to me with a profound apology and he took down pages and pages from his web site because of what I pointed out to him. He realised the error of his ways. In the meantime, however, his Examinations Board, in its foot stamping belligerence closed its eyes and said the examiner had done no wrong.

Your thorough systems cannot be so thorough can they when it is as plain as the nose on your face that examiners are walking all over them all of the time. As I type this I can guarantee that there will be advertisements in many newspapers, on websites and in mail shots at the moment in the UK advertising Easter revision courses. Many of those courses will be run by and on behalf of Examiners from the GCSE and A Level Examinations Boards that I am persistently complaining about. Go to your library and reading rooms, go online, check the mail arriving at schools and colleges all over the country. Find those advertisements and then tell me I am wrong.

For your information, I have worked in countries where corruption and academic dishonesty are rife. I am currently working on a World Bank project in one such country. I am here to attempt to install democratic systems that are founded on integrity, transparency and the rule of law. Don’t you find it ironic that here I am trying to teach people in undeveloped countries how to behave whilst at home, the OFFICIAL LINE is that flawed and corrupt systems are allowed there too?

I told Ed Balls on his twitter account that I will not simply go away and I will not. If I have to wait for this government to be dismissed I will. Shouldn’t be long now should it?

Thanks for writing anyway even if it was such a shabby, ill thought out and badly researched email.

Following the above, I appreciated that MPs were not willing to blow the whistle. I appreciated that Secretary of State Balls had no interest in this matter and had dumped my evidence on a civil servant so on 9th February 2010 I posted the following, http://duncanwil.blogspot.com/2010/02/level-bunkum-ii.html:

Following on from my open letter to Ed Balls (Secretary of State in the Gordon Brown Cabinet, one of whose tasks is to safeguard the UK's education system) I sent a follow up the following day to the poor minion who had been given the task of fobbing me off. Here is that response:

Dear Helen,

I have probably failed again with my previous and relatively extensive response to your email so here is the shortened version that really, really ought to make someone in Whitehall sit up and listen:

Principal, senior and other examiners for GCSE and A Level exams present revision sessions and seminars for personal and private financial reward. These sessions are usually held behind closed doors. The audience very commonly, though not exclusively, comprises candidates for the examinations for which the examiner is responsible. Why do these candidates PAY examiners to run these seminars? I wonder!

That this happens is a FACT. That your “thorough systems” are allowing it to happen is a FACT. For goodness’ sake can you get someone to stop this charade? Other examining bodies simply do not allow their examiners anywhere near their candidates and for very good reason.

Only in British schools is such a system allowed whereby the privileged few who are prepared to pay can be given unfettered access to the very people who have set and will mark and moderate the exam for which they are about to sit. If you can’t or won’t pay, you are excluded. This charade even transcends the supposed State School v Public School divide.

Helen: is that fair? Is that democratic? Is this a transparent and acceptable system? Or is it, rather, corrupt, unprofessional, demeaning and out of control?

I have spoken to a great many people on this issue and the ONLY people who are prepared to defend it are the very ones who are in a position to do something about it: you and your colleagues in Whitehall. Isn’t that very odd?

I really do expect someone rational to be given the task of resolving this issue and I have already passed along this latest correspondence to a senior educational journalist who has been following this story for several years now.

Best wishes

I never heard from any other MP, Minister, Under Secretary, Civil Servant or Examination Board official again and because of my work commitments I was unable to return to matter until last week when The Daily Telegraph broke the story again: the SAME story.

I have persistently tweeted Mr Balls on twitter over the last few months but I am not aware of any responses from him. I asked him last week for his thoughts on the Telegraph expose and he has not responded, to my knowledge.

Finally, in case you are not aware of it, Mr Michael Gove has been aware of this scandal since October 2009: that is when I first wrote to him and informed him of the allegations I was making. Mr Gove did respond to acknowledge my letter but thereafter he remained silent on the matter.  On 6th January 2010 I posted he following:

In October, before I went on a two and a half month trip away from home, I wrote to Ed Balls and Michael Gove in relation to the cheating and corruption inherent in the GCSE and A Level Examinations system.

Balls is the Minister responsible for education and Gove is his Tory shadow.

The problem I have been campaigning on for a few years is a real one and I have presented a lot of hard facts and evidence of cheating and corruption and yet two MPs and various civil servants have been happy to turn a blind eye to what is happening. I have even been threatened with legal action by one Examinations Board who then had to slink away from their position when they realised they had tried far too hard to bully me into silence.

These wretched people who are presiding over this abuse of position and privilege have to be hounded out of office and in the case of Gove, prevented from getting into office. Neither of them has replied to my letters.

I need a Tiananmen Square moment to get these people out into the open and this corruption solved and stopped.

Yours sincerely

Duncan Williamson

Distribution list:

Select Committee Members:
Mr Graham Stuart (Chair)        graham.stuart.mp@parliament.uk,
Neil Carmichael                        neil.carmichael.mp@parliament.uk,
Alex Cunningham                    alex.cunningham.mp@parliament.uk,
Bill Esterson                             bill.esterson.mp@parliament.uk,
Pat Glass                                  pat.glass.mp@parliament.uk,
Damian Hinds                          damian.hinds.mp@parliament.uk,
Charlotte Leslie                        charlotte.leslie.mp@parliament.uk,
Ian Mearns                              ian.mearns.mp@parliament.uk,
Tessa Munt                              tessa.munt.mp@parliament.uk,
Lisa Nandy                              lisa.nandy.mp@parliament.uk,
Craig Whittaker                       craig.whittaker.mp@parliament.uk

Education Committee

Committee Staff
Lynn Gardner: Clerk                                         gardnerlm@parliament.uk 
Elisabeth Bates: Second Clerk                            batese@parliament.uk
Penny Crouzet: Committee Specialist                 crouzetp@parliament.uk
Benjamin Nicholls: Committee Specialist              nichollsb@parliament.uk
Ameet Chudasama: Senior Committee Assistant chudasamaa@parliament.uk
Caroline Mcelwee: Committee Assistant              mcelweec@parliament.uk
Paul Hampson: Committee Support Assistant      hampsonp@parliament.uk

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