
The Will Self Challenge ANOTHER Update

I will try not to be emotive but a couple of weeks ago, Will Self, some sort of hack, was in his cups on BBC Newsnight and at the end of his time on there he was allowed to say that if only they would give him the £9 billion that they are spending on the London Olympics, he would create more jobs than the Olympics.

I have finally got round to writing to Mr Self today and I have asked him how his job creation plans are going, vitally needed as they are at this time in the UK's business and economic cycle.

Should Self deign to reply I will post his responses here.

UPDATE as at 14th October 2011: no response so far. I'll remind him later!

UPDATE as at 20th October 2011:. I wrote again to Self following a rant of his on Radio 4 on Sunday morning but no reply. I'll give him one more chance and then think of another tack if that fails.

UPDATE as at 10th November 2011: I have written twice since I last reported back here and this shameless man will not put his money where his mouth is. He brazenly told the British people that he could provide many more jobs for £9 billion than the 2012 Olympic organisation can but he will not develop it further when someone calls his bluff. What a chancer and thank God I have never bought any of his publications so he is not getting fat or buying his fags and wine on my money.


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