
If you enjoy a rant … have a ruddy good go!

I seem to remember that Gordon Brown got involved in this big society idea; and of course fell foul of it.

They’ve done it again and it’s a winner in my opinion. Take yourself along to this web site: http://epetitions.direct.gov.uk and click on view all petitions then start reading.

As I am reading down the list, sad to say that many of the petitions have earned just one vote. You start a debate on a matter of importance to you and you vote for it. You then wait for 99,999++ other people to agree with you at which point your idea MIGHT attract some parliamentary interest.

Of course I am reading them to see what kind of rants are getting through. Here’s an entertaining one entitled Reduce number of anti social 4x4s, started by Alex Gordon and you’ve only got until 7th August 2012 to vote for it or it will die, presumably. I won’t do any canvassing on the 4x4 rant but Gordon has a three point plan to do with 4x4s. For example, “3. Permit local councils to dictate all 4x4s registered in their area to be painted vibrant colours (eg bright pink) with slogans (eg I can’t help being selfish, sorry) and to ban very dark windows.”

Now’s your chance to get involved.


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