I am out of the UK at the moment as everyone knows and I am so happy that the General Election is going on without me.
Non Brits here are asking me what I think about those Prime Ministerial debates and I say, haven’t watched them; and I haven’t. They ask why and I say what’s the point?
Brown, the PM who never should have been, Cameron, the PM who doesn’t deserve to be and Clegg, the PM who will never be.
I can just imagine the Oxbridgies and the Champagne Socialists closeted in their Battleground Headquarters (it will be called something like that, I can almost guarantee). Oh yah! Deffo! Absolutamundo! These are words that will be flying round these offices as these oh so clever people try to work out which make up looks best on Gordy, how to make that aristocratic looking oaf look normal and how to overcome the fact that Clegg is a working class name from the North of England that’s associated with a comedy television programme and Wallace and Gromit.
What everyone knows is that style wins over substance and each of these parties will be desperately hoping that their PR stylists can win the battle in those programmes. Meanwhile what really matters to the likes of you and me goes sailing right past unhurried and unworried!
That’s why I haven’t watched even though they have been shown here on BBC World. Thpppzzzzz to them all.
Moreover, I know that if I were at home not one prospective Parliamentary candidate would ever come knocking at my door: it’s never happened to me.
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