Apart from that aeroplane in the OLD Imperial Leather soap advert, that is.
This is the text of a feedback message I have just sent to the Mail Online:
I just read the story here http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1241773/Armed-police-storm-plane-Heathrow-Airport-security-threat-board.html and in that story they talk about airlines closing bathrooms on their aeroplanes and I was puzzled
Even when they are in the sky, some passengers have been told to remain seated for the final hour of flight time, with no access to the bathroom or overhead lockers and nothing on their laps, including blankets or pillows.
I am a very frequent flyer and fly on all sorts and sizes of aeroplanes and, to be perfectly frank, I have yet to see a bathroom on any commercial flight. I have even been on the Airbus A380 with Emirates, in business class, but even then there was no bathroom.
Please let me know where I can find a flight with a bathroom as I'd like to fly on it and use the bath: it would be a first for me!
1 comment:
Someone made a comment on this thread ... using Chinese characters. No offence but there is no way on earth that I could allow that to be posted here. It might have been perfectly written and perfectly pertinent. However, I could not take the risk that it was something lewd and offensive.
If the author of that Chinese comment would like to try again in English I will happily consider it for publication here!
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