
Windows Explorer: get a grip!

I am working hard at producing a really high quality learn all and do all type of book for Excel 2007. As part of my work I want to trawl through all of my files and folders to see what I have already done or what might be useful to include and so on.


So I went to Windows Explorer* to search folder and files and found that a lot of files were listed but that couldn’t open a preview image and couldn’t open the file. No error message, no warnings given ... just nothing.


I repeated that this morning only to find that I was still getting apparently useful materials that I couldn’t access. I dug a bit deeper this time and found that WE was still “finding” folders and files that I had deleted MONTHS if not a year or so ago.


No wonder more and more people are desperately trying to find alternatives to Microsoft and its woeful products.


I am not sure what version of WE I am using but it searches based on an index of my HDD it has prepared. Clearly, once something gets into the index* , it can never get out.





Unknown said...

Apple alledgedly nailed indexing with their spotlight feature years ago, I repeat years ago. What you should remember is that Microsoft's proper "paying" customer base is and always will be business users. Business generally don't store data on their c:\ drive.

duncanwil said...

You're right, of course.

After I had posted that diatribe, I reindexed my HDD and updated everything. I had assumed until then that since it prepared the index all by itself, it would update itself all by itself. How naive of me.