
Jack … is it amazing?

I just read that the name Jack has been the top boy’s name for babies born in the UK for all of the last 13 years to the end of 2007. I find that interesting.

I read that fact in a booklet from the Office of National Statistics (ONS) where they say it is “amazing” that Jack has been number one for so long. Do YOU think it’s amazing? Are you really amazed by that?

I know some of you think I am barking mad in this respect but I wrote to the ONS asking them why they thought it was so amazing. If they reply I’ll let you know what they say!



Chiefredram said...

Hi Duncan . . . ONS speaking.

Don't know who wrote 'amazing', perhaps 'remarkable' would have been better. Jack has been the most popular name given to new born baby boys each year since 1995.

What is remarkable is how 'conservative' parents are when naming their boys. Popular girls' names change much more rapidly. In the first half of the 20th century John was immensely popular while in the so-called baby-boom David was the name most commonly on the registers.

The upshot of this is that in due course the TV channel calling itself 'Dave' will have to change its name to 'Jack' ...

David Marder

duncanwil said...

Thanks for almost owning up on behalf of the ONS. Of course, the ONS does sterling work and I am a keen user of some of your data sets. The chronic over use of the word amazing gets my goat, as you have seen.

Interestingly, I had an automated response to my note to the ONS that told me that it could take them 10 days to reply. I'll let you know when they do!


duncanwil said...

Just a thought though: is THIS amazing?

Son Daniel's dog is called Jack.