
New Computer … Gates will get on your nerves

I am not alone but I am constantly astonished at the ineptitude of the Microsoft set of offerings.

My HP laptop has severely let me down for the the THIRD time in its short 10 month history. HP customer service is shockingly appallingly bad in the UK too. Given the work that I do, I have had to buy yet another computer: this time I went for a brand I know, Acer; and bought a good spec laptop in Singapore at a low price.

So I found a bit of time just before leaving my hotel in Bangkok to do some setting up work. That’s when I fell foul of Microsoft’s latest:

Outlook started by crashing

Then it wanted me to update some software that has so far taken me over an hour to download.

I also wanted to install Windows Live Writer (this MS offering SEEMS good!). I downloaded and installed from the relevant MS page. Then when I used it I was told that the software had expired and that I should download the latest version. I believed them so I did that. More wasted time. Then I started the software again to be told that it had expired and I should download it again. FFS as my nephew said the other day!!

I am now at the stage where I want to start suing these people for wasting my time and my money.



Unknown said...


Try sun virtualbox and get a copy of ubuntu, approx 700Mb. That while away a long flight.

duncanwil said...

Thanks for that Daniel ... downloading ubuntu as I type. I know the term vitualisation but don't know what it means ... !!

Unknown said...

how are you getting on with virtualization? Ubuntu has a great amount software that is of an excellent quality directly out of the tin. Unlike the bloatware that is Windows. Virtualization is a fantastic way of performing testing and development in a safe environment. That is if it flakes out on you can just delete the virtual hard drive. Another thing is think of the processing, memory and storage capacity of a high end server. Then think of the cost savings by using that one server as effectively eight separate servers or more! The savings are to be made on many levels: energy, space, money, labour etc. Hence it has suddenly become a very competitive market

enjoy Dan

duncanwil said...

I am going to give it a go ... when I get back to my desktop. I daren't try it out on my sole comp whilst travelling. May well give you a call too to learn more before I take the plunge>

Thanks for the follow up!!