
A trip to Manchester city centre

A trip to Manchester city centre: my first since around 1992 ... not 25 - 30 years as I said before.

Here are a few images of what I saw in Manchester yesterday.

Want to make some money at a German style Christmas Market? Grill a shed load of sausages then
Here is that Santa Claus on the Town Hall ... 150,000 light bulbs I think there are!
The London Eye? Nope, the Manky Eye! Forgive the pun ... unless you are a Manchester United supporter, of course!
Here’s a photo of the statue of Oliver Heywood: philanthropist and that, born in Manchester

There are two other key ways to make money at such markets:

Sell beer and mulled wine (this attracts the most customers)

Sell cakes (eg stollen) (this is the third most lucrative venture)


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