
Parking Fine Appeal

I am in the wars at the moment on lots of different fronts. Here is a letter of appeal I have just sent to Islington Council.

Dear Sirs,

I received the above PCN on 18th August 2007 and immediately said that it should not have been issued. I set out my reasons in writing and have been dealing with xxxxx xxxxx.

After a while I received a letter that included photographs of the van that I was driving and had parked.

I paid the fine in response to the letter dated 20th September 2007 and I did so because I work away from home a lot and didn't want to return home one day to find that I'd landed in even more trouble. However, I still want to appeal against this notice but in spite of my calls for my appeal to be heard, I am being ignored.

I have been offered the documentation to allow me to appeal but it has not arrived: PLEASE SEND IT NOW AS I AM ABOUT TO GO AWAY ON BUSINESS AGAIN SHORTLY and want to settle this business before I leave.

One of my defences is that I was parked in a resident's bay since the footpath near where I parked is shaped like a bay! xxxxx says I wasn't in a bay. If I was in a bay then the parking attendant failed in his duty since he didn't leave me a note which would have told me of the reduction in fine for a resident without a parking permit having parked in a resident's bay. Look at your photograph for proof of the bay shaped part of the pavement near where I had parked.

I also maintain and have checked that there is NO INFORMATION SIGN near to where I parked. A single yellow line, yes, but no information sign telling me of any restrictions. If there is a sign there, it is extremely well hidden as I didn't see it and I asked someone else to look for it for me a couple of weeks later and they couldn't see it there either.

I said immediately when I tried to appeal that you have failed to apply your own common sense charter and the photographs that your attendant took prove my case: the street is half empty at the time s/he issued my PCN. Just take a look at the very large gaps all along the street. COMMON SENSE supports my decision to park there to help my resident son to move his goods and chattels as I was causing a problem for no one at the time.

Have you ever issued a Notice to Owner in this case? I was driving a hire van and xxxxx knows that so it should have come to me here.

I am formally telling you AGAIN that I want to appeal against this decision and I want my money back.

Yours faithfully


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