
Boyish enthusiasm and the shape of langwidge to come?

As I wolfed my muesli, bran flake and all bran mixture for breakfast this morning I turned on a programme on the Discovery Civilisation channel called The Worst Jobs in History. This programme is presented by Tony Robinson, of Baldrick fame in the Blackadder series.


Boyish Enthusiasm


I switched on as they were discussing dreadful jobs from the Stuart period of British history and for some reason they blew up a car with three kilogrammes of gunpowder: something to do with Guy Fawkes. So the thing exploded and afterwards Robinson bounded in with boyish enthusiasm and said:


'Look at that. It's amazing, that hole'


Hmm, such language! I understand Robinson is the holder of a PhD, too. Let him be enthusiastic but why would he find a hole in a car amazing after having blown it up with all of that gunpowder?


Langwidge to Come?


As the adverts came on they showed a screen with this message on it:


Worse Jobs in History



That nonsense is exactly equivalent to the clown who created a similar screen for the BBC version of 'The Apprentice: You're fired' with Alan Sugar. In that case the clown had typed:


'The Apprentice: Your fired'


Who is editing these things and how do these people who may well be semi literate get such jobs? They'll be writing 'I would of thought I done it right' next!





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