
That Woman Again ... let her rest for all our sakes

I have lived without the television all day but as I turned it on half an hour or so ago, CNN started broadcasting their Special Investigations Unit programme 'Growing up Diana'. A whole hour devoted to that woman who lived the high life and conned many. Concerned for others, charity work ... lots of that. Come on, though, the rubbish they are coming out with is the most egregious rubbish you have ever seen.

They have found people who knew her when she was 6 years old and who KNEW THEN how special she was ... how sparkly and bubbly. When she was 13 she had more care and compassion in her than ANYONE ELSE of her age and standing.

One thing that does come across properly I think is why she was the way she was. Maybe she felt sadly neglected and damaged by the break up of her parents' marriage, she seemed to have looked for affection elsewhere: from people who could hardly refuse. I see it as a one way street leading straight to her own door.

One of the key "experts" they trotted out was the woman who Diana was a nanny for. She dragged out some letters and read the most astonishing tripe into it all.

Can we stop this money making, let's show our love and concern for Diana racket now?


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