

Oh, meant to add some good news.


I planted some strawberry plants last year and this year they are a bit bigger and stronger but not fully established yet. However, I picked one yesterday before the birds and slugs got at it and it was absolutely magnificent. If you can, plant your own and forget the supermarket rubbish. Even if you only have strawberries a few times during the summer, it will be worth it if they are your own.


Mine are organic too as there are no artificial anything being sprayed or spread anywhere near them!



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

No comments on strawberries, but a comment on your Ponzi scheme essay. i actually worked for Metro Display Advertiing. I was there the day the FBI marched in and took over the place. The letter you received sounds EXACTLY like a Jean Claude Leroyer letter. I don't remember him having a crminal record before the fisaco, and Karen was never a bookkeeper for the company. I did, however, enjoy reading your essay. Those were interesting times...