
I'm working myway through a Russian State Television series called The Brigade. The Brigade is a Russian Mafia programme that has the most awful English subtitles I've ever seen and whilst the storyline is not as good as it might be, here are the reasons why it's worth watching it doesn't glamourise gangsterism the life of organised crime is brutal shameless ruthless gangsters are always looking over their shoulders the families of gangsters are, whether they like it or not, part of the gang This series has acquired cult status in the Russian speaking world as far as I can tell and I know of head teachers who have had to go round every class in their school and ask "Is there is Brigade in this room?" in an attempt to quell the quasi gangsterism that early teens can dream up. Thought I'd tell you that. I don't know if it's available in the UK but I'm told that it's going down a wow in the USA. DW

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