
I am horrified at how Britain is fast becoming the country in which we speak American English with a British accent. On BBC radio news yesterday we were told that Birmingham has taken delivery of a temporary Ferris Wheel display. What on earth is a Ferris Wheel? A Ferris Wheel is what we used to call a Big Wheel and we used the term Big Wheel for many decades. All of a sudden the BBC has decided that we need to call it a Ferris Wheel. Today we heard from the Today programme on Radio 4 that Donald Rumsfeld is in Afghanistan today and Louise Ducet reported that there is a problem in part of Afghanistan as certain War Lords make mischief. I wrote to Sky News a couple of years ago about using the term War Lord since I feel it adds a false legitimacy to what is really only mass murder and general mayhem. Sky News wrote back saying that they had changed their wording, that day at least, as a result of my missive, during the rest of that day's reporting. There is no such thing as a war lord in my mind, they are soldiers, terrorists, freedom fighters or what you like but the term Lord should really be reserved for something more sublime than butchery. DW

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