
Putting together this new web site is taking a massive personal effort. By the end of last week I was on the verge of collapse almost. Still, I'm about to announce another new section and I'm working with other people to get my new site fully operational so that you can buy what I am selling! Nera wrote from Jakarta asking what help I could give on ratio analysis and management accounting. Here's what I said: I have just finished a big new section on ratio analysis. When you go to that site you will see at the top of that page and right in the middle, the announcement for this page. When you click on that link you will go straight to the section. The ratio analysis section on biz/ed includes a special database that you can use for yourself and with your students. As far as management accounting is concerned, my site has a he section dedicated to it. I am now setting up a new web site for management accounting that you can take a trial of by going here. There is a lot of information on management accounting on my site. Look at the spreadsheet section of my site, too, for even more that will be useful for you. I hope this is OK but let me know if I can help you further. Best wishes

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