
Reddy the Dog

He was sick for just two days but in that time Reddy, our not quite 6 months old labrador retriever, deteriorated so quickly he couldn't be saved. The vet seemed good and we cannot and will not blame him.

The blame lies with the flea or tick that bit him and gave him whatever it was that killed him.

In true parasite style, we noticed that very soon after Reddy had died, these insects started crawling out of his fur. We had seen a couple of those fleas on him over time but we had no idea what they could do.

Anyway, nice dog, fantastic temperament. Just not meant to be with us very long.

The photo comes from the day we collected him.



a.i.d.a. said...

Condolences, DW

a.i.d.a. said...

Condolences, DW

a.i.d.a. said...

Condolences, DW