
A Rural Scene

Picture the scene: a small country road, a few houses and the village shop. Rice, casava and rubber plantations in the background.

It's home time for the cattle and four Buffalo are being walked home. The usual: one herdsman, every animal with its own rope threaded through its nose and down onto the ground where it trails for another four metres or so.

One Buffalo breaks free and starts running, then another. The other two become  nervous but the herdsman catches hold of their ropes and they are controlled.

The friskier of the two free animals is running here and there and he is a big animal. If anyone gets in his way they will have a big problem. He doubles back and snatches at some grass as his eyes stare wildly. He snatches again but then sees the herdsman and runs off again.

I think, this could be a problem: the towny thinking about health and safety! No one else is alarmed. Other bystanders simply stand by. The herdsman seems content as he had already seen what I never thought of: the two free animals have turned into the lane that takes them home.

I saw a problem. Everyone else saw an animal or two that just wanted to let off a bit of steam.

That was my rural scene. Done!


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