
Livestock ... Dead!

My hallways seems to be a passage way, or is it rite of passage, for certain livestock.

Flies and spiders are always with us and there are a few spiders in residence in my hall.

Two weeks ago I found a dead common black beetle followed a day later by a live one: I guessed they had had a fight as the dead one did seem to be a little bit injured. Little bit for me, massive for it!

Every now and again some worms appear ... and all they do there is die. There are two there at the moment ... see one of them below.

Most surprising of all, however, is the other creature that seems to have died, stuck half way up the wall. It appeared over night. I would have noticed it before. Take a look at it, below, too. Notice the things that are stuck to it! Has it choked to death on the feathers or something? I think, though, that the feathers are stuck to its rear end!


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