
So Clever!

It's true, someone said that to me this evening!

So, I was chatting to Carrie about many things when she told me she had woken her boss in Texas at 2 am one day. She needed him to scan a document for her ... relating to a $6 million order/project.

The boss said, oh no, but my scanner's broken. He went to a nearby hotel and scanned then emailed the document.

I said, why didn't he take photos of the document with his phone camera or camera?

Carried stopped for two seconds or even three then said, that's so clever.

I said, I do it all the time.

She said again, that's so clever!

Made my day, that!!


Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device


chris sivewright said...

Not so clever is dumbing down - after ten years there is finally some admittance:


duncanwil said...

Thanks Chris, I don't normally read the Daily Mail so I probably wouldn't have seen that article. I have added a comment there that they might use.

I was contacted a few weeks ago by a very famous journalist on this topic and we chatted very briefly but he never followed through. Maybe he knew this was coming.

Anyway, they have started to blow the gaffe so let's see if that has an impact now!