
Even the International Baccalaureate does it!

Following my recent perorations on the subject of GCSE and A Level Examiners abusing their positions as Examiners for personal and private financial reward at the expense of honesty, integrity and professionalism, I have been persuaded to ask the International Baccalaureate Organisation what their position is in this respect. After all, last week I found an IB Examiner offering his services in the UK in the same way that GCSE and A Level Examiners are doing.

Here is the letter I have just sent to the IB organisation in Switzerland:

Dear Sirs,

I noticed on a web site for a revision programme in the UK last week that IB examiners are offering their services as private tutors to candidates for your up and coming examinations.

That is, the people who are possibly setting but certainly marking candidates’ papers are teaching those very candidates how to pass the examination that they as examiners are directly involved with.

As a parent I am really concerned that anyone who is prepared to pay the examiners will benefit directly from their expertise and tips whilst anyone who does not or cannot pay, gets nothing.

What is the IB’s policy on this matter, please?

Yours etc



chris sivewright said...

I raised a similar question in the IB Forums: http://occ.ibo.org/ibis/occ/guest/home.cfm some time ago. (These forums are password protected)

One Examiner posted:

Even as close to you (and Roni), organisations such as OSC in Oxford are offering mid-IB courses with 'extended essay advice'...


We need to remind our students that the EE:

* "provides students with an opportunity to engage in personal research in a topic of their own choice, under the guidance of a supervisor (a teacher in the school)." - EE Guide, pg3

* "must reflect intellectual honesty in research practices and provide the reader with the exact sources of quotations, ideas and points of view through accurate bibliographies and referencing." - EE Guide, pg16

It seems teachers are being relied on to be able to 'spot' if outside help is being given. Who are the most qualified to give outside help (and thus facilitate cheating)?


You could always telephone the IB...this is an important matter and should not be allowed to rest.

chris sivewright said...

Any follow-up letter?

duncanwil said...

Well, I don't suppose it comes as a surprise to anyone when I report that I have had no responses to any of my efforts on this topic.

I can't do deep and detailed follow up because of my location so have to rely on email responses.

So far I think their reaction has been to hit _Del_.

Frustrating I know.