
The 20 Year Rule

I might not necessarily be immune from the following.

You are 20 years late in coming to Bangkok/Thailand when

That grubby, home made head band around your head is the ONLY one in SE Asia
The tee shirt you insist on wearing is half the size it ought to be
You think your short longs/long shorts are trendy
The girl on your arm COULD be your grand daughter, possibly your great grand daughter
You think thongs and stubbies are a chick magnet
You are a man who thinks his pony tail looks as good on him as a pony tail does on a Thai girl/lady
You sit in a hotel lobby staring wide eyed and open mouthed at the young local ladies going about their every day normal business with your lovely wife of many years tolerantly and lovingly sitting next to you

All true!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

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