
Some Photos What I Have Took

Here are a few photos I have taken over the last few days. They come from my phone camera so may not be up to my mega camera standard!

First photo is an oddity: the warning of death by suffocation is to be found on a safe in an hotel room in Geneva. The size of the safe is far too small for me to get my head in and moreover it is around five feet off the ground so a child hell bent on suffocation would have to be extremely determined!


The next photo subject caught my eye outside Bradford Forster Square railway station, West Yorkshire. I liked this one:


Again from Bradford, this is a sand sculpture of Charles Darwin. My guess is that it is around 10 - 12 feet tall. Very impressive and the photo that follows explains the purpose of the sculpture.



Bit of fun there then and well done Bradford for livening up our lives a bit.


1 comment:

duncanwil said...

It pays to read what I post! The Garden Magic notice I have included tells us that the sculpture is about 4.5 metres tall: that's 14 - 15 feet.