
Family Tree

I have started the quest to compile my family tree. Only using online resources so far but have made some good progress. I have got back to 1778.

I am aiming at filling the generations up until the start of 19th Century or so, so 1778 is about the limit.

So far they're all labourers with a sprinkling of professional types. No ne'er do wells that I know of!! Apart from me of course.


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Familytreeservice said...

Good luck with your research. Its only a matter of time before you find someone with a secret. Every family has them. I research family trees for a living and I'd say about 70% if trees have them.

duncanwil said...

Not sure about full blown secrets but one or two shady characters already known about.

There is evidence of people with two thumbs on each hand in the family, though!

Thanks for your comment and it came so quickly after I'd posted the original article.