
Prostitution: the Home Secretary fell further down the stupid tree

The UK Government wants to protect women in prostitution who are being trafficked and controlled. That is, those poor women who are under the influence of someone odious who is taking their money, their passport perhaps …

I agree people (ie not only women) who are working as prostitutes should be able to do so under their own terms and conditions, free from financial and other control. I do NOT believe for a moment that all prostitutes are down trodden women who are desperate and under the control of a man and only a man.

So far so good: if the government can eliminate such awful nonsense then I will be as happy as anyone.

What the Home Secretary has done is to bring forward a proposal that anyone who uses the services of a prostitute who is working under the control and duress of another is guilty of a crime. Does the Home Secretary not realise the Chief Wiggins moments that are going to ensue? Imagine this:

Lady: Good evening, sir, do you want business?

Man: Yes, how much?

Lady: £50 in your car and £60 in my flat.

Man: OK, in the car. Oh!, by the way are you under the control and duress of a prostitute Baron aka a pimp or are you working of your own free will?

Lady: (Shifting nervously from foot to foot and looking furtively up and down the street) No, no, no; I am doing this because I want to, the kids need feeding ...

Man: Are you sure?

Lady: Yes, honestly, love. C’mon, let’s go. (She gets into the car as a man watching from afar with binoculars and listening with a long range directional microphone smiles contentedly to himself.)

Man: OK, good. (Drives off)

One more clunk from a hefty branch there, then, Home Secretary.



duncanwil said...

Of course, we should think about the objectives and consequences of this move by the government.

I think they are really aiming their actions at controlling the traffickers and yet the actions they are planning will actually punish the last link in the chain, the customer of the prostitute.

I would heartily support the granting of even wider powers and more money to the Police and Immigration Service as they seek to eliminate as many of these awful pimps and traffickers as possible.

To attack a man because he uses the services of a prostitute is completely the wrong thing to do, whatever else one thinks about prostitution.


duncanwil said...

Wait a minute, if I am supposed to know when a prostitute is being trafficked or has been enslaved then it must be fairly easy for me to find out.

Ergo, with such an assumption the police must surely know what I have found out.

Ergo, how on earth can a prostitute still be in that situation since the police must have found this out and protected the girl?