

Remember the acronym BSOD? I suppose a lot of younger people don’t know what the BSOD is: it’s the blue screen of death and that screen was often a multi daily event for many of us before Windows XP came along. Only in extreme conditions did I ever see a BSOD with XP: when I did, my laptop died a thousand deaths.


A BSOD was an error message from Windows that told us that a massive and usually unrecoverable error had occurred and that we should take notes and solve the problem being notified. Of course, the screen ALWAYS disappeared well before the shock had worn off and well before we had the chance to make a note of the error ... unless the error kept repeating when we did come to be able to make a note.


Why Blue Screen? Well, the background of the screen containing the error message was blue and the colour of the font was white ... it’s still the same with Vista!!!


Well, shock horror then when I saw the BSOD with Windows Vista yesterday. Via a memory stick in my printer I was looking at some pics when BSOD descended. I don’t really know why I generated the problem except to say that of course all of the pics on the memory stick were then utterly deleted from human view. And no, I didn’t get the chance to read and inwardly digest what the problem was!!!





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