Surely this is the last one!
Late yesterday when replying to a text message, my mobile telephone stopped working. Coincidentally, my e-mail outbox had stopped working too. I made a sort of connection between the two for a reason I couldn't fathom. Then, I realised there could be no connection so I tried to make a call on the phone ... I was directed to my provider. I learned very quickly that they believe that I hadn't paid my bill. I went to my files and found all the relevant documentation but I couldn't prove that I had paid the last amount. It was too late by this time to talk to anyone so I let it rest until this morning.
This morning then I called and was confidently told that my direct debit was in operative. I hasn't to explain themselves which they did and told me that he takes between four and six weeks for a direct debit to be fully established. I knew this and had this explained me before but my problem is in this technological age I can't understand it.
I then asked them to explain why they had warned me that they want to cut me off if they felt I was at fault. I also asked her what would happen if I couldn't now pay the bill over the phone using a debit or credit card. She told me I would then be without a telephone until they could collect money to my direct debit: meaning that I would have to wait at least a week and possibly five weeks before it would be switched back on.
I then said that I had been a customer of theirs for many years now and in spite of that they felt that they could just coming off with no notice.
There was then a short pause and the lady apologised and began the process of releasing my telephone so that I could use it again. She did the right thing and I then immediately told her that I would play the amount showing as owing on my bill; and I did. I can only hope that there is now a note on my account that tells them if by any chance be direct debit still isn't in place by the time of the next payment not to chop me off without talking to me.
I've even got a letter from them from the middle of October telling them how pleased they were that I set up a direct debit with them ...
Anyone following this blog over the last two months or so must have formed the impression that I am mad, angry and a bad debtor: someone who is financial affairs are completely out of control. Not the case although I am now very wary of moving house and setting up new direct debits because the system really isn't transparent and it's not certain. In several cases I have gone to the wire over such direct debits. I was even summonsed to appear in court or one of these cases when I was able to prove that I had done absolutely everything right and the fault lay with them; and it was only by luck than I came home early from a trip otherwise who knows what they would have done
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