
How the other 0.0000001% lives

You will not be able to empathise with what you are about to read but it's true!

There is a phrase in English, 'How the other half lives'. I have now invented a new phrase, 'How the other 0.000001% lives: that's an estimate, by the way.

He's 20 years old and his father has set up a credit card and concierge service for him. He did this one day: please have a Rolls Royce taxi outside my house in ten minutes time, the driver must speak xxxxxxx and I want to go to xxx restaurant. I will return home at xx:xx. It happened.

He then decided on this: round the world trip taking seven days. The aeroplane alone cost £30,000 A DAY and it was hired for the lad and his girlfriend. He went to Paris, Rome, Madrid, California, China ...

You can imagine the rest.

The father is a billionaire from a well known for soviet block country.


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