
For the first time in 18 years I had a migraine yesterday and it was just as awful as always. It always starts the way it has since I had my first frightening atack when I was about 14 years old. I see lines, auras apparently, in my eyes and then I go half blind for a while. Within an hour or so I start being sick and then I can do nothing but sleep and vomit. I have to vomit until my stomach is completely empty. I had a headache yesterday but that's not normal for me and it was no where near as severe as the headaches that other migraine sufferers describe. I can't eat, I could only sip at some water after I'd stopped feeling sick and I just have to wait to sleep it off. Today is also normal as I mope around a little bit with remnants of nausea, remnants of a headache and a bit of a feeling of torpor. Tomorrow will be a much better day! What triggered the migraine? I think chocolate is a trigger for me and I'd just eaten a couple of the blighters! I also have a passionate dislike of bright lights and yesterday morning was a very bright day. So, sitting in a very bright room with two delicious chocolates suitably ensconced could have been the problem. For the first time ever I was at home when an attack started so I was able to go to bed immediately and rest. My eye problems passed very quickly this time and maybe that was because of the rest factor. Otherwise, it was the same as always. It's awful and as any migraine sufferer will probably tell you, it's a dreaded affliction as it's always at the back of your mind. Even though it's 18 years since my last attack and it was 14 years prior to that that I had my previous attack, I know instantly that it's arrived and I know what's coming from then on. You don't forget! DW

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