
I am happy to announce that there are quite a few cherries on our old cherry tree this year and the apple tree looks as if it might be festooned with apples. The plum tree didn't blossom at all this year and the second cherry tree blossomed but it doesn't look as if there is going to be any fruit this year: we moved the plum tree and the second cherry tree is new this year. The pear tree has fruit on it, more than last year too by the look of it. There are birds in my garden that have taken a dislike to the marigolds I transplanted at the weekend: they've eaten or destroyed them, the bleeders! As a matter of interest, bark chippings are a great way of keeping the weeds down and keeping the soil most. They are also a great way for birds to want to throw them all over the place as they move them around in search of insects and larvae. Messy bleeders they are! DW

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