
One of the reasons I run my web site the way I do is that I not only get to "meet" people that I wouldn't otherwise do; but I get to interact with some of my visitors, the vast majority of whom I have not, and will never, meet. 1 Here's a feedback note from Richard Young, someone I did meet once and talked to over the phone a couple of times: I wrote the standard deviation and normal distributions pages for my site at the behest of Richard. Richard then did an excellent job of translating some of my work into handbook for students of marketing that he asked me to proof read for him. Here's Richard's feedback: A BIG Thanks for your amendments. I have included an acknowledgement to you and a link in the preface. Acknowledgements. I am grateful to Duncan Williamson for supplying detailed background notes on normal distributions and standard deviation which have been adapted for these Q&A. See http://duncanwil.co.uk/nonfin.htm Regards Richard Young from the UK 2 I did a bit of work for Sajitha Dishanka over the last couple of weeks, too and here's Sajitha's message, just arrived: Thank you for your kind consideration on my recent requisition. And, I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for every mail that you had sent. Thank you again. Sajitha Dishanka from Colombo in Sri Lanka 3 LWL paid what I think is a big compliment, too, with the following: Dear Duncan Williamson, Two and a half decades ago, my classmate tried to influenced me into reading the Diary of Anne Frank to improve my English. After class, he took me to the British Council but unfortunately he failed to propagate that idea across because he did not learn how to motivate me to do so. Today, I was introduced to something alike - I called it the Diary of Duncan Williamson. My mindset, I guess, is different this time round. My self motivation drove me into it. Well, I am happy to have got a friend through the internet. Regards, LWL A good start to Monday morning here in a crisp and sunny old England! DW

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