
Quora Questions

I write answers on various Excel topics at www.quora.com and this page provides links to some of my answers. They are not normally massively complex questions but I answer the ones that I think might be interesting to my visitors and readers. The pages are probably in reverse order: lastest pages first; but that should not matter!

Update 5th December 2019

How do I convert F to C in Excel?

Can I sort a column of strings in an Excel doc alphabetically by last rather than the first character?

How can you take a profit and loss statement in CSV format and easily load it into PowerBi?

Every CSV I've ever tried to save from Excel (2010) says “filename.csv may contain features that are not compatible with CSV (comma delimited). Do you want to keep the workbook in this format?” Why is this? How can I save it as CSV?

Why does Microsoft Office make it so difficult to guarantee your work is saved?

How do I extract consecutive capitalized words from a body of text in Microsoft Excel?

In Excel Wizards, is there a function that enables me to choose specific texts in a cell based on other keywords (i.e., 'age: "29"')?

Why doesn't Excel recognise comma separated values as separate and filterable?

What is an effective way to categorize and sort large lists of quotes or definitions for someone with limited Excel knowledge?

How do you graph 10,000 data in an Excel chart?

What is paste special in Excel?

What is the x-intercept and y-intercept of two lines x-3y=7 and 2x-5y=4?

What is NPV and its formula?

How can I make a Google Sheets function (in column K, row 5) that compares two rows (4 & 5) in the same column (column J) and then automatically skips 2 rows instead of one when dragged into row 6, so that now it's comparing rows 6 & 7 in column J?


How can one have two things on the same axis in Excel?

This page is on my facebook page and not Quora! The page shows a Power BI image of the flight path of LY1747 of El Al ... it is unusual, to say the least. https://www.facebook.com/william.williamson.144/videos/1600460606762146/

What are some real life examples and applications of multiple regression?

How do you show a subtotal at the bottom of a pivot table without showing the title at the top in Excel?

Which duplicate does Excel remove?

How do you use an exponential equation you get from Excel? I know how to make Excel show me the equation, but how do I "copy" it or use it?

How do I paste a chart from one Excel to a blank Excel?

What are the most unused excel formulas?

What are some typical statistics and plotting made on datasets with 2 columns of numerical values and one column of categorical values?

In MS Excel, I have a large column of times (in seconds and minutes) when events occurred. Is there a way to automatically segment this data to make a frequency distribution table of say 0-5 minutes had 3 events, 5-10 minutes had 0 events, etc.?

Journalizing records data chronologically in accounting. What is the explanation of it?

What is exponential smoothing in Excel?


Fondest Memories of Sister Fiona

My sister Fiona died over the summer and, as I usually do, I write a few words to help our family members on their way. Here are those words.

In Loving Memory of Fiona Christine

As we have all seen before when I have written tributes to our departed, I have usually been stuck in a time warp that ended in 1988. This is more or less the same but rather than relate a long litany of things, I decided to record just half a dozen things that Fiona did or said that are best known as Fionaisms.

 Susan Greenwood featured large in Fiona’s life in their formative years and here’s a classic from that time: With just Fiona and I in the room, Susan came and knocked on our back door.
For some childish reason, I shouted “We’re not in”
In a panic and as she dashed to answer the door, Fiona shouted back, “We are”!

 I left home in 1974 for good or ill and, of course, returned home at the end of every term and sometimes more often. My dates were known so I was always expected. Apart from the time that a friend from Accrington was getting a lift home from his dad and they kindly offered to drive me home, too.

Providing I could go with them the day before the end of term. As if I wouldn’t agree to that.

 I must have arrived around 6 pm or thereabouts and I opened the door with a ta daa, surprise … and Fiona, who’d have been about 15 at that time and who just happened to be in the middle of the room, saw me and announced “There’s no tea for you”!

 Speaking of being given a lift, our Susan very kindly offered to give me a lift back to Sunderland from Tod one day and Fiona came with us. At about the half way mark we decided it was time for a cuppa. So, we pulled into a nice looking place in Harrogate, I think it was. We ordered one by one, whatever we ordered. This is Fiona’s order:

 Waiter: What would you care for, madam? Fiona: Tea, please.
Waiter: Black or white, madam?
Fiona: Wadam ... er, white, please.

  I was told the following story and think it’s true but it could have happened to anyone. I don’t remember the exact conversation, so I have invented that part. Fiona and Danny going around Madame Tussaud’s Waxworks. La la la. Ooh, look, that’s Tom Cruise. I didn’t know Arnold Schwarzenegger was so short …

Then they either got lost or wanted some information and saw someone sitting at a desk near by so Fiona sauntered over and asked them for directions.

Turns out the person behind the desk was another exhibit so there was little surprise when it didn’t answer.

 Don’t forget, now that Carol and Fiona have left us, there is only one arch cheese and onion pie maker left in the family. That’s a big burden, Susan!

 This final story follows on from Fiona’s baking skills. When I was living in Kazakhstan, I asked Fiona if I could make a video of her making a cheese and onion pie. She agreed and we did it and it was a good video: sadly lost to technology.

Anyway, when I got back to Almaty, I thought it would be a cracking idea to get some of our English teachers to use the video for our students to learn about English pies and to listen to a native speaker speaking.

Remembering that foreigners are usually taught to speak Cambridge or Oxford English, listening to Fiona’s West Riding accent caused a few in the audience to ask, “What on earth is she saying? Where is she from”!

 That’s no reflection on Fiona at all but I thought it was an enlightening experience. 

Anyway, light hearted moments at the saddest time in someone’s life. They leave so much behind and since everyone else has been with her and around her since 1988, there must be thousands and thousands more stories to tell. Or just to remember as you walk down the street, gawp at the telly or when sitting in a vacant mood one day.

 Sorry you had to go so soon and it is absolutely, copper bottomed guaranteed that you are going to be missed.

 Duncan 20th August 2019


BREXIT Follow up

You might well have read my small rant on Brexit from earlier this year. In the final sentence of that post, I concluded by saying, it can only go wrong.

Brexit Post 1

Last week, our ridiculous Prime Minister set her resignation date and then we have just had the most monstrous EU MEP election charade. She made Brexit go from bad to far worse.

The Man from Mars test would conclude that the UK is going to hell in a handcart and we're all doomed. Well, many a true word as the follow up to the resignation of the Prime Minister story is that she needs to be replaced. It must come as no surprise that the leading candidate for that job, who will be elected by a tiny number of people from within their political party, is a serial arsehole of the greatest magnitude. The Man from Mars will be asking himself how the laws of nature can be used to stop yet another anomaly.

Surely we do not deserve this punishment?


Is there life on Maaaaaars?

Get your name in lights and sign up for a boarding pass on the 2020 NASA mission to Mars




I get involved in discussions online about all sorts of things via newspaper comment threads and the one that has been getting my goat is anything to do with the Great British disease Brexit. This is the monstrous boil on the arse of a country that has done and created so much for the world and now, because of the power of the shyster, the liar and the self seeking, it is being dragged down by grossly incompetent politicians as they seek to leave their mark on history whilst claiming they are fulfilling the wish of the people.

What these wretched people have done is set out massively disjointed, unprovable, unscientific arguments that favour their own personal agendas but what they have not done, not one of them, is to provide leadership. Their crime is that they have set out one side of an argument and left it at that. You will say, that is democracy and I say yes it is. What has then happened, however, it that the monstrous carbuncle of a Prime Minister has done nothing whatsoever to provide the missing leadership: she has not in any way attempted to balance the arguments and provide a reasoned conclusion on the proper way forward.

No, Theresa May, started out two years ago by saying Brexit means Brexit and since then has done deal after stupid deal to keep her minority government in office such that Brexit means goodness knows what.

It can only go wrong.


New Year 2019

Happy new year to everyone who stumbles across this infrequent blog: I used to write as often as every day or so but there are so many things to do these days.

Here is a link you need if you want to try a fantastic egg (or mushroom or tofu) curry that takes a bit of time but is not difficult: Chef de Home Delicious Egg Curry

Away we go into 2019!