
UPDATED ON MONDAY 30 JUNE I scanned the diseased palm photo again and have posted it here: much better and anyone who knows about these things and can help, I'd be very grateful. I've got a couple of photographs to tantalise and inform! The first one is a palm tree that resides in my living room and it has some kind of disease. The spots are partly spots within the leaves and partly hard, compacted dust type things. No idea what it is but it grows healthily! Sorry for the HUGE gap that appears between the photo and the next line of text ... no idea what causes that but it has to be caused by the Blogging software: it doesn't like tables either. The second pic is of the side of my car now that Mr M drove into and along it. The latest is that the car may have to be written off as it could cst more to repair than it's worth. Oh the inconvenience of it all! What a bloody day that was. DW